From the Secretariat |
At this year’s AIRCA Steering Committee Meeting, hosted by CABI at their UK office, Directors of six AIRCA members met to discuss our achievements in the last year, as well as challenges and opportunities. One of the outcomes of the meeting was a new vision and mission statement: |
Vision: Diverse climate-resilient food systems that support livelihoods, health and the environment
Mission: Strengthening innovation capacities and the evidence base for diverse, nutritious and climate-resilient food systems.
The Directors have also appointed ICIMOD’s Director General Dr. David Molden as the new AIRCA Chairman, and WorldVeg’s Director General Dr Marco Wopereis as AIRCA Deputy Chair for the coming two years. The new AIRCA brochure can be downloaded from here
This newsletter has “scaling” as the focus theme. The various stories illustrate some of the various approaches that AIRCA members use to maximize the impact of our innovations. |
CABI: New CASA programme to benefit 565,000 smallholders in Uganda, Malawi and Nepal A new five-year £30 million UK DFID funded programme is aiming to improve the livelihoods of 565,000 smallholder farmers and their families in Uganda, Malawi and Nepal by stimulating investment in emerging agri-markets. Read More |
CABI: Continuing the biological fight against a hardy foe – the maize-devastating western corn rootworm. CABI is continuing the fight against the maize-devastating western corn rootworm by collecting more than 22,000 live specimens of this chrysomelid beetle for further research into its biological control. Read More |
CFFRC: 2018 Research Highlights Bambara groundnut has been the main focus of CFFRC’s research to date, and in this report we draw particular attention to the many projects that are underway to improve the crop, determine where it can be grown and deliver palatable and nutritious foods that people want to eat. Read More |
ICIMOD: Scaling Up and Out
ICIMOD recognizes the multi-dimensional aspects of scaling up (vertical expansion) and scaling out (horizontal expansion) of innovations, programme ideas and solutions.
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IFDC: Paving the way to financial inclusion Agri-Wallet is an innovative mobile application that assists farmers to save money. One major difference with similar financial services providers is that it has been tailored specifically for the agricultural sector. Read More |
Header photo credit: ICIMOD